Confort bingo cage set

Confort bingo cage set

Reference: BTPPCO

€1,452.50 €1,329.00

Comfort bingo cage set with bingo accessories for organizing a lottery or bingo game night suitable for 300 players.

Our comfort kit is specially designed for associations that want to combine traditional and sophisticated equipment. This bingo set streamlines your bingo event organization while emphasizing the draw display! We've selected the "Comfort set" for organizers looking for a complete, professional, and powerful solution.

This bingo kit includes all the necessary elements: a large bingo cage with 90 balls, a control board, a bingo control panel to transmit the drawn numbers to a wireless LED display (49 cm), 2000 non-personalized bingo cards, and a box of 5000 marking chips.

The comfort bingo cage set features high-quality equipment for regularly organizing bingo games. This bingo solution is perfect for bingo organizers who want to provide a real draw experience to their players. The quality of its materials ensures comfort and the best gaming experience possible.

Have a question or need more information? Our team is available by phone or email from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 5:30 pm.

Available now

2-3 working days

Plus Product

  • Complete Bingo package
  • Ready to use
  • Easy setup
  • 1 large bingo cage made of plastic-coated metal with a varnished wooden handle
  • 90 plastic balls
  • Check tray
  • Bingo control panel
  • 1 LED electronic display
  • 5000 marking chips
  • 2000 bingo cards


  • Reference: BTPPCO
  • Delivery: 48hrs
  • Weight: 27.15 kg
  • Garantie: 2 years (display machine + control panel)
  • Alimentation: Control panel : Mains 220 V

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